Tips To Be Healthy When You’re On The Road

There are many reasons you might be travelling soon. It could be that you need to go away for work, perhaps you’re going on a solo trip, or maybe you’re heading travelling with friends or your partner. No matter the reason, if you’re going away, it doesn’t mean you need to be super unhealthy, particularly if you’re away for a long time.

Tips to be healthy when you're on the road

While indulging on a one or two week holiday is something many of us look forward to, if you’re going away for longer you’ll find this soon gets cumbersome and you’ll want to take care of yourself a bit more. When travelling, this can feel like a bit of a challenge.

Not only are there more temptations around you, but without your usual facilities and ingredients, it can be difficult to stick to a normal routine. In this article we take a look at some top tips for being healthy when you’re on the road.

Why be healthy when you’re away?

There are many reasons you want to be healthy when you’re away. As well as the long term benefits, it will also benefit you in the short term. When being healthy, you have more energy so will enjoy your activities a bit more, you’ll have a better mental health and you will also be more awake.

Healthy food (such as meals you prepare yourself) can also save you money instead of buying takeaways all the time. It can be easy to fall into a trap of being unhealthy when you’re away, but by changing your mindset you’ll find you have just as much of a great time and you feel much better as well.

Some top tips for being healthy when on the road

When it comes to being healthy when you’re away, there are a fair few things you can try to implement. The amount you decide to do and how you decide to do it is completely up to you. Some of the things you can try include:

  • Make conscious decisions of what to eat

When you’re away it can be tempting to just grab a burger or some other form of fast food when you’re on the move, but this can not only add up but it’s likely to have many more calories than if you were to just prepare food yourself.

Before grabbing something simple, or heading for the chocolate or crisps, instead find some fruit, nuts or even a flapjack. By finding healthier alternatives to the things you love,you won’t feel like you’re missing out, they can be cheaper, plus you’re likely to be full up for longer. It’s a no brainer really!

  • Take vitamins with you 

Depending on where you’re going and what you’re doing, it might not be as easy to get all your vitamins as you might hope. To avoid this from being a problem and to just stay extra healthy, why not take some supplements with you?

From multivitamins, to Cinnamon supplements which are an insulin and antioxidant support that help with your sugar metabolism, there are a host of health supplements out there that can keep you healthy when you’re out and about. Make sure to read up about anything before you take it and always follow the correct usage instructions. 

  • Get some exercise in 

Another thing that might get forgotten when you’re on the road, is to exercise. If you’re somewhere hot, it can be tempting to just flop down on the beach or in a field with a good book and stay there all day. While this isn’t a bad thing, it’s when you do it too often and don’t add in any forms of exercise alongside it.

When you’re away you might not have your regular gym membership or walk/ cycle to work and you can quickly get out of the habit of working out. If you’re staying in a hotel with a gym, why not try and head down a couple of times in the week?

Alternatively, set yourself a step goal to achieve each day. You could also look up if there are any local activities you could get involved in, such as hikes or perhaps yoga on the beach in the mornings.

  • Limit how much you drink

Alcohol is another temptation that’s fine in small quantities, but can be very calorific if consumed too often. When you’re away, it’s tempting to have wine or beer with every dinner and perhaps lunch too, but this can soon take its toll.

Try to limit how much you drink or just give yourself a couple of days a week where you have drinks. This means you can still enjoy it, but to a reasonable amount and won’t go overboard. You’ll find you save plenty of money doing it this way too, so it’s a win-win situation all round. 

  • Stay hydrated

Don’t forget the importance of hydration when looking to stay healthy on the road. When you’re busy it can be easy to forget to drink enough water, but you’ll soon feel the effects on your energy levels, your skin and the way you feel. It’s a good idea to invest in a large water bottle that you can keep topped up and sip from throughout the day. 

Tips to be healthy when you're on the road
  • Manage your mental health

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health and if you’re away from friends and family, you might start to feel lonely. Ensure you do activities to keep your mind healthy, including journaling or mindfulness meditation. Try and keep in touch with loved ones back home so you don’t feel alone.

These are just a few things you can try to help you be healthy when you’re on the road. Whether you practice all of the items in the list or just a few, making small changes can be the start of something great for years to come. What are some top tips you have for being healthy when on the road? Is it something you’ve done recently or plan to do? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you!

Updated: July 17, 2024 by Michael Kahn

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