10 Essential Home Safety Steps To Take For A Cozy And Happy Winter

Preparing for winter is crucial for people of all ages, and it’s never too late to take some key home safety steps. Much of the winter preparation needed can be done in reaction to the specific weather conditions you’re facing, but some must be done in advance. It is essential to consider all aspects of your home and vehicle when coming up with a winter plan and understand the risks your property may face. 

10 essential home safety steps to take for a cozy and happy winter

Most of us have been through many tough winters before and will likely know a lot of the important steps to take. Still, it is a good idea to get some refresher tips to help you spot anything you might have missed. 

Have A Family Plan In Case Of Winter Storms 

It is a good idea to make a plan with your family for what you will do in the event of a winter storm. Consider whether you will need to evacuate your area or shelter in place and plan your vehicle and household supplies accordingly.

Make sure that everyone in your household knows the plan and has contact details for all the important places, such as school phone numbers and emergency contacts. You should also check in with neighbors and relatives who are further away or live alone. 

Put Together A Winter Driving Kit

If you plan to travel any distance in the winter, it is crucial that you have a winter driving kit in case of a breakdown or emergency. This should include warm clothing, an ice scraper and deicer, a snow shovel, food and water.

You can use this kit to keep you warm and safe until a recovery vehicle can get to you or allow you to resolve the issue yourself from the roadside. 

Make Sure Your Carbon Dioxide Detector Works

Winter means there are a lot of carbon dioxide sources being used in the house, such as heating systems, wood fires and other fuel-burning appliances. You should always ensure that such appliances are used in well-ventilated areas and that your chimney is well-maintained.

You will also need a carbon dioxide detector in every room where a fuel-burning appliance is located. This is a critical safety step for the winter months and throughout the rest of the year. 

Keep An Eye On The Weather Report

Knowing what kind of weather to expect is vital to help you prepare for the coming winter. Most significant storms have at least a few days of early warning to allow you to prepare. This is where your family winter storm plan with come into play.

Keep a close eye on the weather report and ensure that you take action early. 

Take Out Excellent Car Insurance

The best car insurance doesn’t just cover you in the event of a crash or repairs – though it is a crucial tool for both. There is also insurance that can help you manage your day-to-day life should you become injured as a result of an auto accident.

This excellent AARP car insurance from The Hartford will pay out for various household tasks for older drivers, which could be invaluable if you’re injured in the winter, such as snow removal, food preparation and house cleaning. 

Insulate Outdoor Pipes And Faucets

Winter temperatures can wreak havoc on your outdoor pipes and faucets, and if it gets extreme enough, it can even impact any unheated indoor spaces. Y

ou should insulate your outdoor pipes using insulation you can pick up from your local DIY store. Make sure they fit correctly and cover the whole length of the pipes and faucets. 

Stock Up On Non-Perishables

If your winter plan for dealing with a storm means that you’ll be hunkering down at home, you should ensure you have supplies to see you through the worst of it. It is best to get your supplies as soon as winter comes. This way, you don’t have to worry about being unable to buy things because of panic buying caused by incoming storm reports.

Stock up on items like bottled water, canned food and other non-perishables. Make sure to include plenty of items that don’t require cooking over heat if your power is knocked out by the storm. 

10 essential home safety steps to take for a cozy and happy winter

Put On Your Winter Tires

Winter tires are an excellent investment for keeping safe while driving in icy or snowy conditions. Many households throughout America have a set of winter tires that they exchange their regular tires for come the cold months. You can pick some up from any reputable auto shop, and many businesses will also fit them for you for a small fee. 

Upgrade Your Windows 

If it’s been a while since you last updated your windows, it is a good idea to get this done as soon as possible. Windows are one of the major causes of heat leakage from homes, and a set of new windows will usually save you significant money over time.

This is particularly vital if you notice drafts coming from your windows, broken or damaged seals or cracks in the glass. It may be a good time to upgrade to triple-glazed windows, which offer even greater heat retention, keeping you warm and cozy this winter. 

Get Your Boiler Serviced

Winter is the prime time for boilers to break down, and engineers are often at their busiest during the cold season. The last thing you want to deal with on a cold winter’s day is your boiler refusing to start, leaving to shivering away until an engineer can come to repair it.

Getting your boiler serviced is crucial to ensure this doesn’t happen to you, so you should make arrangements to get this done as soon as possible. 


Getting your home ready for winter is a crucial yearly task that can help you stay safe and cozy at home. It is best to get started in the fall so that all your prep is in place when winter hits, but most winter-proofing can still be done during the winter months themselves, particularly in the event of winter storms.

You should critically assess your home to identify any risk areas and ensure that these are taken care of before any adverse weather hits.

Updated: July 1, 2024 by Michael Kahn

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