How to Stay Fit When You’re Super Busy

Being super busy is something that millions of people all over the world have in common. It can be difficult to fit an exercise routine in when you have work to juggle and other commitments too in the day. So, how can it be done? Well, the good news is that there are methods out there, you just need to find out what works for your day. Here are some options to explore.

How to stay fit when you're super busy

Prioritize Yourself

Though it may feel selfish, there is no shame at all in putting yourself first. If you want to find the time to exercise, you may have to sacrifice other things when life is so busy. This means perhaps saying no to drinks with friends or rearranging schedules to ensure that you come first at least a few times a week. It is important for mental well-being to prioritize yourself from time to time, and exercise is one of the areas where you can do this. This could be waking up an hour earlier to go for a run or heading to the gym before the workday commences.

Enhance Your Workouts

When you do have time to get physical, finding a supplement to enhance your performance and the results is a great way to feel like you are achieving more with less. Discover what works for you by pinpointing a fitness goal and researching the best fit. For example, a high quality grass-fed whey protein is great for muscle building and inter-workout recovery.

Fit In Subtle Exercise Throughout the Day

How to stay fit when you're super busy

This is easy enough to establish, and an incredible way to reach those fitness goals you may have set. Great examples include walking to work instead of taking the car or public transport, or if this is not feasible, set yourself the challenge of walking some of the way instead. Alternatively, purchasing a bicycle is another way to fit in exercise that gels well with the rest of your daily routine.

Hold Yourself Accountable

If you want to find the time to work out, then you have to schedule it in your calendar. This is a fantastic way to hold yourself accountable and encourage your mind to get into the motivational zone to exercise. If it is there in writing (or text) then you are more likely to stick to the plan and it will help you to plan your time out better as well.

Sleep Well

Sleep is a vital part of any fitness routine, and if you are not getting enough shut-eye, you will never find the boost you need to exercise during your busy day. Make sure you are well rested and that this remains a top priority if you want to stay motivated.

How to stay fit when you're super busy

Think Smaller

Sometimes, it is difficult to see past the barrier of not being able to do exactly what you want. You might think if you can’t go hard and work out for an hour at a time then there is no point. However, this could not be further from the truth! The fact of the matter is that any workout, regardless of how long you are physically active, is better than not doing anything at all.

There are so many pockets of time throughout a busy day that could be perfect for a small routine and if you manage two or three of these then you will ultimately feel great. This is because the accumulative impact of working out like this is incredibly effective.

Super busy lifestyles don’t always suit major workouts every single day. However, there are great ways to get around this common problem if you think smart and work with what you’ve got.

Updated: September 20, 2023 by Michael Kahn

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