
Handy Tips For Your First Trip Overseas

Travel is one of the most worthwhile experiences you can have in this life. The opportunity to expand your horizons, see new lands, experience new cultures, and get away from the familiar is one of the most character-building pursuits of all. However, the first time you do it, it can be a daunting experience. What if you forget something? What if something goes wrong? What if you make the wrong decision? The good news is that, in most cases, these fears are unfounded. But just to make sure you’re setting off on the right foot.

Handy tips for your first trip overseas

Have the essential documents at the ready

Do not arrive at the airport with your passport ready. Furthermore, take the time to see that your passport is actually valid. Take the time to check the date on your passport and make sure that its expiry date is long after the end of your return flight. Some countries may even refuse to accept passports with less than six months left on them, so if that’s you, get to applying for a new passport at Progressive.com. Take your time to research whether or not the country that you’re heading to is going to require you to get a visa before you arrive, as well. The regulations are different for each country, so it’s on you to do your research.

Research where you’re heading

While the experience of finding somewhere completely new is one of the exciting parts of travel, in the first place, you don’t also want to be completely confused by the experience. Research where you are heading, and get to know its climate so you can know whether to pack for hot, cold, wet, or dry weather (or some combination of the above.) Take your time to research how you will be getting around and how you will reach your accommodation. For longer trips, you might want to take the time to learn the norms and traditions that are most relevant to travelers, as well. Basically, the better researched you are, the fewer hiccups you’re likely to experience on your journey.

Invest in good shoes

Aside from the clothing that’s going to help you better deal with the climate of your destination, you shouldn’t underestimate the benefit of a good pair of shoes when you’re traveling. After all, you’re likely to be walking a lot more than usual, whether it’s in the streets of some of the greatest cities in the world, or on trails to see some remote and gorgeous places. Whatever the case, good, new footwear that helps support the foot is vital. If you’re heading out into the wild, then you might want a decent pair of real hiking boots that can not only offer better grip in all kinds of landscapes but also offer your foot some protection.

Budget everything out

Part of your research should be the costs of living in the region, or even the city, that you’re going to be spending time in. These are going to offer rough estimates rather than definitive answers, but it can help you in preparing a travel budget. As the name suggests, this should help you get a better idea of how you’re going to be spending your money overseas and should include any travel costs you haven’t already paid for, accommodations, food, fees, paperwork, as well as leaving some cash open for unexpected expenses. Don’t forget to include any attractions you might want to see, you should see how much those experiences or places might charge you ahead of time so you can figure them in.

Handy tips for your first trip overseas

Be ready to translate

You don’t have to be fluent in order to make it through a trip to another country, but it’s undeniable that being able to read some signs and to ask basic things can help you a long way. Aside from basic greetings and gratitude, you want to be able to ask questions and understand answers, such as asking the cost of things, directions for where you want to go, and how to order at restaurants, cafes, and the like. There are basic travel translation apps that can help you manage all of the above, but you could spend a little time with a free language learning app to brush up on the essentials ahead of time.

Get the right bags for your trip

Finding out how much you need to pack, and what, is going to depend on the tips above. You want to make sure that you have enough space to bring everything that you’re going to need and, to that end, taking the time to find the right luggage for you is vital. Looking at options like Bric’s luggage on Travaloo.com can give you a good idea of the range of high-quality bags that are on offer. Aside from the luggage itself, you also have to consider any carry-on bags that you can use to bring essentials on the plane with you or to carry things like tech that you want to keep safe from moving around too much.

Be mindful of your health

Your health should naturally be priority number one during any long trip away from home. For one, make sure that you prepare anything you need to help you keep yourself safe in the climate you’re heading to, which includes clothes that can help you better adapt to those climates. If you have any prescriptions that you have to keep up with, take the time to go to the doctor ahead of your flight, tell them about your trip, and ask them to prescribe you enough medication to last the trip, along with a note to prove that you were given the prescription for personal use. A first-aid kit in your luggage can help you deal with some of the little accidents that might happen along the way, too.

Make sure that you have insurance

Travel-related emergencies can happen just as emergencies can happen at home. When an emergency happens at home, however, there’s usually a protocol that you can rely on, such as your insurance provider. Thankfully, the same is true for when you go overseas, it’s just that a lot of people neglect to cover themselves and thus can make their trip a lot more difficult. When you’re preparing for an overseas trip, be sure to make purchasing insurance a key priority, to ensure that any healthcare costs are covered. If you’re heading somewhere remote, then emergency pickup services might be an extra worth adding to that policy, as well.

Handy tips for your first trip overseas

Get a travel reward card if you’re making it a habit

A travel reward card from Chase might not do a lot for you in terms of your very first journey abroad, outside of the introductory offers that many of them allow for. Those sign-in bonuses can be pretty tempting but, for the most part, they can help you more easily handle paying for things overseas, usually without the foreign transaction fees that can make paying otherwise so expensive. If you’re planning to make overseas travel a more frequent treat for yourself, then a travel card is really going to start paying off, making it easier to access things like travel insurance as well as other rewards.

With the tips above, you should have a much better idea of what’s going to be expected of you during your trip, and what you can expect from the wide world of the other side of your flight, as well. Good luck, be safe, don’t worry, and have a wonderful time.

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