Workout Program For Female Hikers

Hiking is a great activity for women who want to boost their cardiovascular health, bone strength, and mental well-being. Just being out in the open in nature among the trees, hills, and mountains is something that can uplift your overall health. 

Workout program for female hikers

However, before you go on a walking adventure, it is good to have some preparation to improve your endurance, stamina, and confidence. 

Here is a workout plan for female hikers to get you ready for the great outdoors. 


First things first, start with stretching exercises. It is essential because it reduces the risk of injury while increasing your range of motion. Flexibility exercises should also target different parts of the body to get them ready for a hike.

  • For the upper body, you can perform shoulder, tricep, and chest stretches 
  • For your leg area, stretch your quadriceps, hamstrings, curves, and hips separately
  • For your glutes, you can perform stretches standing with your legs crossed over (gluteal stretch). You can also go for the figure four position, known as the piriformis stretch.
  • Target the core with thoracic spine rotations with your arms reaching overhead 

Hold each stretch for at least 20 seconds and repeat it two to three times per side.


Hiking in itself is an extremely tough cardio workout, so regular cardio exercises help you build stamina for hikes and also manage your heart rate. The best cardio workout for female hikers is running because running comes close to the uphill/downhill nature of a hike. 

Of course, you don’t have to run a marathon at the beginning. You can start with a moderate intensity and alternate between walking and running. As your fitness level improves, you can transition to continuous running. 

If you are looking for low-impact but effective cardio workouts, you can also go swimming and cycling. These physical activities also build endurance and strengthen your muscles.

Again, the idea is to start slow. Aim for at least two sessions per week of moderate intensity lasting 20-30 minutes. Gradually, you should progress to four to five sessions per week, increasing the intensity and the time of the workout (at least 45 minutes).

Strength Training

Next up is strength training. Since hiking involves all our muscles, you should have a strength training plan that targets these regions. 

  • For the upper body, you should do push-ups and overhead presses. You should also exercise your pull muscles with pull-ups.
  • For your glutes and quads, setups and squats are good enough. You should also perform bridges targeting your glutes, hamstrings, and quads.
  • Next, focus on your core with the good old plank, alternating between high and side planks. Crunchies are also good exercises to work the core.

Just like cardio exercises, you should start small. Go for two to three sessions per week and aim for two to three sets of 8 to 12 reps. However, for strength training, it is better to have professional guidance in order to do it correctly and not hurt yourself.

Sample Workout Plan for Female Hikers

Here is what a weekly workout plan can look like if you are preparing for a hike:

  • Sunday/Monday: Get some rest
  • Tuesday: Get your heart pumping with at least 20 to 30 minutes of running, swimming, or cycling at moderate intensity. 
  • Wednesday: Time for some strength training with a focus on your core and lower body
  • Thursday: Take it easy and let your body rest
  • Friday: Back to cardio, but increase the intensity
  • Saturday: Go on a hike but on a trail friendly for beginners

This is just a sample outline. Your personalized plan would depend on your fitness levels and the intensity of the hike you plan on doing.

Fitness Assessment

Hiking is a physically strenuous activity, which means you should evaluate your current fitness level before getting started. Among other things, a fitness level assessment also helps you set realistic goals based on your starting point. It is a more reliable way of tracking progress and gauging improvement. It also helps to prevent injuries and over-exertion.

Some of the basic methods of fitness assessment include heart rate monitoring, in which you measure the resting heart rate and recovery time after a moderate activity (such as a brisk walk). You can also calculate the time taken for tasks like walking a certain distance or doing a weight exercise. Of course, it is always better to consult a medical practitioner before starting serious workouts.

Workout program for female hikers

Extra Tips

A few additional tips to help you out:

  • Consult your doctor: Because you are hiking for the first time, it is better to have a professional opinion, especially if you have a previous health condition. The idea of a hike is to connect with your soul and body, not to incur injuries or health complications!
  • Be consistent: Finally, consistency is essential for a successful hike. So while preparing, target regular workouts at least three times a week to see the best results.
  • Don’t forget to rest: Unless you are competing professionally, always listen to your body and take breaks. Remember that hiking can strain your body, and it is no shame to pause if you experience pain or feel exhausted. Rest is also crucial for preventing injuries and healing your muscles.


That’s about it! Hiking itself is a holistic physical activity, but it helps if you can prepare your body before taking the hike. This is where a good workout program comes in. 

If you love to go on hikes, what workout plan do you follow? Was this workout plan for female hikers helpful? Do let us know in the comments and if you have any queries, do not hesitate to send them our way! 

Good luck and happy hiking!

Updated: February 28, 2024 by Michael Kahn

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