Sustainability in Paper Products

Sustainability in paper products

When it comes to choosing sustainable paper products, it turns out there are a lot of factors to consider. Contributors to sustainability include natural resource conservation, renewable energy for manufacturing, emissions, recyclable products, supply chain transparency, social impact, and good stewardship. A lot goes into those Vanity Fair napkins, Brawny paper towels, and Angel Soft rolls of toilet paper. Learn what one company, Georgia-Pacific, is doing to address these concerns, and how to choose sustainable paper products for yourself.

How To Wash Your Car in Winter

Practical winter care secrets to preserve your car

When it comes to washing your car in the winter, there are many cold-weather scenarios you must consider in order to keep your car in tip-top shape. These practical winter car washing tips will help keep your car safe through the snow, rain, frost, hail, or freezing temperatures. Read on to discover how to protect …

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GLEEM Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush

Gleem rechargeable electric toothbrush featured

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of GLEEM. All opinions are 100% mine. Designed to make your teeth shine, the GLEEM Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush is one of the newer players to the rechargeable toothbrush and teeth whitening market. They are looking to shake things up and provide professional-looking results with beautifully …

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5 Wood Products for a Sustainable Lifestyle

Wood watch jord

Seeking out wood products to incorporate into a sustainable lifestyle ended up being more of a task than I originally thought. I’m constantly discovering new ways to evolve my way of life and environment into being more sustainable. Using wood based products is a great way to do accomplish these goals. I wanted to make sure the …

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The Holiday Guide to Live Christmas Trees

Holiday guide to live christmas trees

Read this before you buy your next live Christmas trees this holiday season. I visited a multi-generational 60+ year old Christmas Tree farm to find out everything there is to know about these trees. Learn which trees to buy, how to care for them, and what makes Christmas tree farms so sustainable. Introduction While we …

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5 Simple De-Stressing Solutions

Simple de-stressing solutions

I’m a sensitive person. Small annoyances, nervousness, or even slight discomfort can easily awaken the anxiety monster within me, crouched and ready to wreak havoc. While I have immediate methods of de-stressing during panic attacks, I’ve learned to integrate some simpler calming rituals into my daily routine for life’s little everyday stressors. Here are some …

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3 Year Update for Raised Bed Gardening

3 year update for raised bed gardening

This raised bed update is sponsored by Miracle-Gro. Three years ago, I decided to build three really cool looking raised beds for my garden. These would be unlike anything I have ever done before. I went for not only function, but style. You can check out my original post and DIY guide here for my Metal …

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Seeking Quiet in Noisy Spaces

Bose noise masking sleepbuds fake sleeping

Recent travels took me through North Dakota and South Dakota, where I often found myself wondering where all the quiet places had disappeared to. Thinking good and proper remote places were carefully selected, I found myself quite often wishing for a bit less noise. Deep in the land of the large trucks, camping and sleeping outside lent itself to a lot more road noise than expected.

Coupled with a fitful night of sleep at a motel and way too many crying babies on planes, I was ready to make a change to improve my quality of sleep while traveling. I needed something that could travel easily in a variety of environments. It should help me get the much needed sleep I deserved – a key ingredient to epic adventures. After a ton of research, I discovered the Bose Noise-masking sleepbuds.