5 Creative Ways to Cut Energy Costs

Looking for ways to cut energy costs? Yeah, everyone is these days. There are tons of things you can do, all of which add up to big savings combined. From switching things off to smart home tech, here are some of the easiest ways to reduce the costs of your energy usage.

5 creative ways to cut energy costs

Check and Maintain Appliances

Appliance maintenance is the key to ensuring you don’t use more than you should. From kitchen appliances to the home heating system, all need regular checks. After all, what’s five minutes of your time compared to hundreds from your wallet? We can all agree that quick checks are well worth it. For example, just knowing some of the signs your AC needs maintenance can save a lot of cash, time, and stress throughout all seasons of the year.

Say Goodbye to Standby

Standby. An excellent convenience feature on pretty much all of our modern entertainment gadgets. From the TV to video game consoles and everything in between, most devices have a standby feature. But guess what? Many devices use just as much power when on standby as when they are in use. Unless a device you use often really needs to be in standby mode, bypass this feature. Switching devices off can save a lot of money over the course of a year.

Use Your Appliances

Use your appliances to save money. Wait, what? Yes, you read that right. Using your appliances as intended can save money. For example, the California Energy Commission recommends using a dishwasher for your dirty plates. The cost of using a dishwasher correctly is much lower in terms of saving water and energy than washing by hand. In fact, it is suggested that doing this can save 5,000 gallons of water per year. Just don’t overload or underload the appliance.

Embrace Smart Home Tech

It seems like there is a smart gadget for everything these days. And that’s because there pretty much is. Whether you are a technophobe or technophile, there are some pretty nifty smart devices that can save you some money. Smart home tech, such as a hub that controls everything, offers great convenience, such as voice control. But they also allow you to remotely control things like the lights, alarm system, and entertainment from a phone or tablet.

5 creative ways to cut energy costs

Don’t Ignore Your Bills

Sometimes, we have an innate fear of even looking at the bills when times are tough. We know there are going to be price rises all the time, and the past few years have been tough on the average consumer. From energy and food to entertainment and mortgage rates, it appears everything has increased. However, ignoring the bills you get will spell disaster. When you don’t know what you are expected to pay, you can’t make reliable financial plans around costs.


Maintaining your appliances is the most powerful to cut energy costs, as you won’t need to replace them for a while. Using appliances as intended will also help save money on energy. Checking your bills allows you to make the necessary financial adjustments to avoid issues.

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