Recovering Compensation for Hit-and-Run Car Accidents

Hit-and-run cases are rising, evidenced by a 22% increase in investigations by the Colorado State Patrol. The surge in fatal incidents raises concerns about the impact on victims and the need for comprehensive legal recourse. In such situations, individuals may grapple with mixed emotions, unsure of what steps to take.

Recovering compensation for hit-and-run car accidents

This article aims to illuminate the actions one should take after hit-and-run car accidents and explain how one can be compensated for their loss.

Hit And Run Laws In Different States

The prevalence of hit-and-run incidents varies across states, with New Mexico, Louisiana, and Florida having the highest rates. Conversely, New Hampshire, Maine, and Minnesota boast the lowest rates. State laws regarding hit-and-run offenses differ, but common consequences include misdemeanor or felony charges, imprisonment, fines, suspension of driver’s licenses, and points on driving records.

For instance, hit and run causing non-serious bodily injury may result in a class 1 traffic misdemeanor, leading to 10 days to 1 year in confinement and fines ranging from $300 to $1,000. On the other hand, a hit and run causing serious bodily injury could lead to a class 4 felony, having a penalty of 2 to 6 years in jail and penalties ranging from $2,000 to $500,000.

Seeking Compensation After Hit-and-Run Car Accidents

Obtaining compensation for damages incurred in a hit-and-run car accident can be challenging yet crucial.

File a Police Report

Initiate the process by promptly reporting the hit-and-run to law enforcement. Reporting to the police is a critical step for having an official record of the incident. This not only aids in potentially identifying the at-fault driver but also establishes a foundation for insurance claims.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Even when the at-fault driver remains elusive, contacting your insurance company is vital. Check for uninsured/underinsured motorist (UIM/UM) coverage or collision coverage in your policy. This could provide coverage for damages to your vehicle or injuries, even in cases where the responsible party is unknown.

UIM/UM Coverage

Uninsured/underinsured motorist (UIM/UM) coverage becomes instrumental in hit-and-run scenarios. This coverage compensates for injuries and property damage caused by a hit-and-run driver with insufficient insurance. Understanding the specifics of your UIM/UM coverage ensures you know the potential compensation available.

MedPay Coverage

Certain insurance policies include Medical Payments (MedPay) coverage. This coverage is designed to pay for medical bills after an accident, regardless of fault. For hit-and-run accidents, MedPay can prove invaluable in covering immediate medical costs.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage supports various accident-related costs, including medical expenses, lost wages, and additional out-of-pocket expenses. Knowing the details of your PIP coverage is essential, as it provides a financial safety net beyond traditional insurance in hit-and-run situations.

Seek Legal Counsel

Consulting with a personal injury attorney is prudent in cases involving substantial injuries or significant property damage. An attorney can assess the intricacies of your case, guide you through the legal process, and advocate on your behalf with insurance companies. Their expertise can significantly enhance your chances of securing adequate compensation.

Gather Evidence

Building a robust case requires collecting compelling evidence. Take photographs of the accident scene, document damage to your vehicle, and gather any relevant witness statements. This evidence strengthens your claim, making it more persuasive during negotiations with insurance providers.

Document Expenses

Keep clear records of all expenses related to the accident, including medical expenses, vehicle repair estimates, and lost wages. Comprehensive documentation proves the financial impact, reinforcing your compensation claim.

Recovering compensation for hit-and-run car accidents

Final Thoughts

Did you get caught up in a hit-and-run accident? Don’t worry- you’re not alone. Understanding the legal implications and avenues for compensation is crucial for those affected by hit-and-run accidents. By promptly taking the proper steps and leveraging available resources, individuals can more effectively navigate the aftermath of such incidents.

Collect your evidence squad – pics, statements – you’re building a case. Keep score of every dime spent – medical bills, repairs, lost wages. It’s your winning playbook in this hit-and-run saga. Buckle up – you’ve got this!

Updated: December 12, 2023 by Michael Kahn

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