Behind the Mustache at Eva’s Brickhouse

Behind the mustache evas brickhouse featured

“Who are you looking for?” Was shouted at me the very first time I met Kent McKinley, owner of Eva’s Brickhouse. Wearing a Hawaiian shirt, completely unbuttoned, khaki shorts, and barefoot, my eyes were immediately drawn to the enormous broken capillaries on his nose and thick wild mustache. His skin glistened on the verge of …

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The Hopsy SUB Home Tap

Hopsy sub home tap first glass

In the search for different types of entertainment during life under stay-at-home, I discovered beer which ships right to your door, via the Hopsy SUB Home Tap. With breweries closed and options slim at the grocery store, I ordered a machine along with 4 mini-kegs.  The Hopsy SUB Home Tap is run independently under Krups, …

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Carpe Vino! Seize the Budget Wines

Finding budget and value wines

Value wines are a great place to start when exploring different varietals and regions without breaking the bank. However, remember a lot of the varietal differences are far less pronounced than at higher end wine. Budget wines should be used to get a feel for the style of wine you like, but not an end-all …

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