Useful Tips To Help You Properly Take Care Of Your Car

For some people taking care of their car is nothing short of a passion. They love spending several hours on weekends carrying out maintenance work, upgrading certain components, or even just applying endless layers of polish to get their car into pristine condition. For others, maintaining a car is a chore, something that they dread and couldn’t even change a flat tire to save their life. In either case, the fact is, without proper maintenance your car is not going to perform optimally nor is it going to last that long. 

While there is no need to be a fanatic and to stress over the slightest of things, there is a need to stay on top of your car’s routine maintenance and to ensure that things that need to be repaired or replaced are done timely. This is not just about the aesthetics of the car but also the performance and the safety. Even with vehicles becoming a lot more technical and hard to work on these days, these basic tips can help you keep your car in top shape for years to come.

Use The Right Fuel

Engine technology is really moving forward very quickly. Even though electric vehicles are the hype these days, regular engines are probably going to be around for a few more years, so it will help to know how you can take care of them while they are here. One of the most important things is fuel. More importantly, fuel from different stations varies in quality, purity, and even volume. You need to get the right kind of fuel, at the right quality, to help your engine last longer and perform better. This might take some trial and error, but with time, you will find which fuel from which pump works best for your car. With the right fuel, you will significantly reduce the possibility of an engine breakdown and it will help with everything that comes into contact with the fuel.

Use The Right Lubricants

The other highly used fluids in the car other than the fuel are the various fluids and lubricants. This includes everything from the radiator coolant to the engine oil to the brake fluids. The first thing you need to know is how to check these different fluids. Usually, there is an easy-to-check stick or some kind of indicator that shows the liquid level. Car diagnostic information found at AutoGuysLand suggests that you keep everything topped up rather than waiting for it to completely drain before filling it back up. If you notice that the brake fluid is a little low, top it up. If you live in a hot climate, keep an eye on the coolant level in the radiator. Also, keep note of when you have had fluids serviced like the engine oil and the brake oil. You should be getting these fluids changed regularly, together with the filters that accompany them.

Regularly Check Tires

The one part of the car that takes a beating, especially if you have bad roads in your area, are the tires. While tires can last several years, you must check them on a regular basis. Ideally, you should be getting the tire pressure checked with every tank of gas. Also, you need to keep the alignment correct to ensure that the tires run in a proper tread and don’t wear unevenly. After every few thousand miles, you should also be getting the tires rotated and balanced. This is going to be done at a proper tire shop and something you shouldn’t risk doing on your own. Bad tires are a leading cause of road accidents and blowing a tire at high speed can be fatal.

Modern vehicles are fitted with very intelligent onboard computers and are loaded with sensors that keep an eye on all the important parts of the vehicle. In case something does go wrong, you will most likely see a notification on your cluster in the dashboard. You can either use a scanner on your phone, or you can have a mechanic look into the problem through a computer. These error signs tell you exactly what the problem is and your mechanic will know how to fix it. You mustn’t ignore these signs, as a problem in one part of the vehicle can compromise a number of other systems that are connected to that component. Moreover, some lights are indicative of a problem in a certain area but you don’t know the extent of the problem. Driving in such a situation can cause the car to malfunction or for you to lose control of the vehicle while driving. This is a hazard for yourself and also risks the safety of others on the road.

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